Monday 1 September 2014

Nearly 4 months ....

So i have just realized I haven't post anything on my blog for nearly 4 months naughty me. It isn't because I couldn't be bothered I've just had a massive writers block. Perfect time for any update? Yes I think so!

I've been living with Joel now for just over 3 months although it feels like for ever which isn't a bad thing as I feel it has brought us closer together as couple more of a unit which is brilliant. It just works we still have our own space when we want it especially when I'm working and hes not or the other way around.

We have just booked a holiday to Germany at the start of November for Joel's birthday which I am really looking forward to as both of us haven't been before neither have we been on a proper holiday together in the 3 half years of our relationship. We will be staying in Berlin for 4 nights and have lots of things we want to do planned like going up TV Tower which is the tallest building in Berlin with 360 degree views as well as going to Berlin Zoo.

Other than that there isn't much else really going, only 12 days until my birthday cant believe how quick its come around only feels like yesterday I was celebrating my 21st where does time go? This year I am keeping it low key just having a few days of and relaxing as I don't have very much money.

Other exciting news is my bestie is coming back from France in a week for a few days, she has been away working out there for the last 8 and half months which feels like for EVER! Its gone really fast but I am dying to see her its been way to long missed her so much.

How is everyone else?
I try and promise I wont leave it so long next time.

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