Tuesday 1 March 2016

My Top Five: Places I Want to Visit

There is so many places I want to visit around the world but obviously money pays a big factor in this but here are five of the top places I would like to visit.

(These photos are not my own)
1. Tokyo
I really want to visit Japan for so many reasons and before you say Disneyland is there of course this is one of the reasons I want to go but not my only reason.

One of the main reasons I want to visit Tokyo is because of the culture, history and shrines. There are a lot of amazing gardens, buildings and history what I would love to go and explore some of the architect is just amazing and beautiful.

Obviously with being a massive lover of Hello Kitty I would love to be able to visit a Hello Kitty Cafe along with seeing the Studio Ghibli Museum. Fashion is another thing I would love out there but I don't have the right size to be able to purchase anything apart from tshirts and maybe dresses.

Not forgeting to cross of Disney from my bucket list ;)

2. Florida
Disney Disney Disney, Universal Studios, Bush Gardens, Sea World, Space Kennedy Centre, Jungle Island, Lowry Park Zoo and so many more things I would love to visit in Florida.

But the main reason for my visit would be Disney World and Universal Studios for the Harry Potter Wizarding World ;)

3. Australia
So Australia is somewhere that I would like to go for a long period of time to travel around the whole of it. Do a few days here and a few days there as it is such a massive place and such a long plane flight that you would want to make the most of it.

To narrow it down as there is so many areas to visit I would want to do all the touristy things but one thing I would most definitely want to do is visit the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and hold a Koala bear as they're the cutest things ever and to visit a zoo to see the kangaroos and joey's.

Freakshakes at Patissez in Canberra would be another thing I would love to try and do as they look incredible they have just started doing similar things in the UK but these in Australia look amazing!

4. Amsterdam
Amsterdam is another beautiful city that is full of culture and history that I cannot wait to go and explore with my mum. My mum has been there before and I think that's where I get my lust to travel there from.

I really want to go and visit the Anne Frank museum that is there as I am a lover of history and I read the Anne Frank diary when I was younger and found it really interesting. There is so many other museums that I would love to visit like the Van Gogh museum and the Amsterdam Dungeons which is like the London Dungeons.

When my mum visited last time she brought back this amazing chocolate/caramel drink called Chocomel which I will have to bring loads back and I want some clogs!!!!!

5. Italy - Venice
I've never been to Italy at all but my dad has been so many times to Venice that after seeing all his photos its made me really want to go. Especially during the carnival season as the costumes and masks are just beautiful.

Another city that is beautiful and full of loads of amazing architect plus the city is on water? What else is there to like? A gonadal ride along the streets would be very romantic.

Next Up: My Top Five Disney Movies

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