Monday 7 March 2016

My Top Five: Disney Movies

So I just had to do a Disney one with being such a Disney lover of course.

If you have come across my blog before your see that I have done one of these previously and you can see this "here" and have a nose through this was posted back at the end of 2014 when I was very new to blogging.

Now to narrow my list from Ten down to Five :

1. Pocahontas
Now this list is in no particular order and none of my Top Five's are but Pocahontas will always be at the top of any Disney list and will always remain my answer to "Whats your favorite Disney movie?"

The reason being is this is one of the first Disney movies that I watched when I was younger and fell head over heels in love with. Its not your average Disney Princess movie and it really grates on me when people say she isn't a princess well sorry guys she is and is the first American Disney Princess!

Anyways the movie is full of such great characters, songs and a cute romance between John Smith (hubba hubba) and Pocahontas plus who doesn't love Meeko?

2. Robin Hood
Anyone else this this movie is so under rated? Another great classic which I watched when I was younger. Its full of so many great little animal characters and I am a sucker for Maid Marian and Robin together.

3. Tangled
Punzie Punzie Punzie, I just love Rapunzel she is just such a down to earth character and so cheery considering her circumstances. It isn't just the movie I love but I have always love'd the fairy tale when I was younger. The movie has the most amazing soundtrack (Mother Know's Best) and the cutest characters like hello Maximus? Why are Disney Horses just the best!!! Not forgetting Pascal hehe!

So here comes probably the most unpopular opinion ever, I actually prefer this movie 100 times more than I like Frozen. Like don't get me wrong I like Frozen but its just everywhere and the craze hasn't died down since it was released.

4. Lady and The Tramp
What is not to like about this movie? Its cute, romantic and one of the best soundtracks of all times (in my opinion obviously). I just love Lady and Tramp together they're so different from each other but fit so perfectly. The movie is full of an amazing a ray of characters especially of the dogs in the pound and the Siamese cats ... We are Siamese if we please ;)

5. Alice in Wonderland
Its simple why I love this movie and its because its full of fun and excitable characters who are just so lovable maybe not all of them ;). Its just so crazy and wacky with a great story!

Next Up: My Top Five Sims Games

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