Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Beauty And The Beast Live Action: Can I go see it again?

I have yet to write down my thoughts and feelings about the new Beauty and the Beast Live Action movie that was finally released on the 17th March after two very long years of waiting. I enjoyed it that much that I actually went to see it twice within the space of 4 days and I could easily go and watch it again.

As I'm not very good at writing reviews yet I thought I would just post my thoughts and feelings I had during and after the movie but just to warn you this will contain spoilers so please read at your own risk hehe.

The Cast? How perfect the cast were. I never doubted they're cast choices when they were announcing who was playing who they made the most perfect decision.

Emma Watson as Belle was just perfect they couldn't have picked a better actress if they tried even though some people weren't happy Emma I thought she played the part amazingly.

When ever Belle sings the reprise of Belle I just can't help but laugh at how much it looks like the Sound of Music!

Why does she have her skirt tucked in to her knickers half the time? but the other half she doesn't?

The relationship between Gaston and Le Fou! Was just perfect I don't get what people were complaining about? Its a modern day movie!

I'm probably the only one that actually didn't think Dan Steven looked all that when he transformed from the Beast. I actually preferred him as the Beast haha.

Be Our Guest was everything I wanted it to be, its the one scene I've been waiting for since the movie was announced it brings back so many feels for me and memories of my trips to Disneyland Paris and watching Disney Dreams for the first time.

The scene when they all were saying goodbye at the end had be balling my eyes out.

Luke Evans was the perfect fit for Gaston he has me laughing throughout the whole movie.

The song Gaston was another one of my favourite songs and scenes.

I love that we find out what happened to Belle's mother even though it was so heart breaking.

Belle and Beast's on screen relationship was perfect and felt so much more real than in the animation. In the animation it was very rushed compared to in the live action where I felt like we watched it blossom more.

The costumes and set designs were incredible. All of Emma's out fits looked perfect and the design of the Castle was so magical along with the designs for all the cast like Cogsworth and Lumiere,

I have to say I actually prefer the live action to the animation. They have captured everything in the most amazing ways and brought the animation to life.

It was everything I wanted it to be and so much more I just cannot get over how perfect it was!

I am toying with the idea of going a 3rd time I just cannot wait for the DVD release to come out so I can watch it over and over again. 

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