Friday, 20 January 2017

Cream Egg Brownies

So with all the Easter goodies now in the shops as soon as January hit the thoughts of making cream egg brownies has now risen once again! After last years epic fail at making them with a packet mix this year I finally decided to take the plunge and cook them from scratch.

Me being me I hate cooking and baking a like but I keep seeing all these amazing treats that I want to make so thought why not just give it a go and why not blog post about it as well! I went and purchased myself an electric whisk as most of the recipes I have found online mentions one and a sieve as that is another thing I shockingly don't own (hides in shame hah).

185g Unsalted Butter
185g Dark Chocolate
85g Plain Flour
40g Coco Powder
3 Large Eggs
275g Golden Caster Sugar
6 Cadbury Cream Eggs (Halved)

1. The first thing that I did when making these brownies were to set my oven to 160c and line my baking tray with baking paper. The reason I decided to line my baking tray was to just make it easier to take the brownies out at the end.

2. After this I decided I would weigh out all of my ingredients so that they were all ready to be used as soon as I needed them.

3. In one bowl I added my 3 large eggs with my golden caster sugar and mixed with an electric whisk for 5 to 10 minuets until the mixture had doubled in size and become a pale, creamy thick mixture. During this I was also melting my butter and dark chocolate in a bow.

4.Once both of these step are complete and the chocolate mixture has cooled slightly this needs to be gently folded in to the creamy egg mixture.

5. After you need to sieve your flour and coco powder over the top of the mixture as evenly as you can before folding this gently in as well and making sure that when you are finished there is no flour or coco powder visible and it is mixed well.

6. Place your mixture in to your baking tin and cook for 15 minuets before placing your halved cream eggs evenly on the top. Then cook for another 5 to 10 minuets before removing from the oven and cooling for a few hours.

1. Melt your chocolate and butter before making the creamy egg mixture because as I found out doing them at the same time might be clever but then you have to wait a while for the chocolate to cool before it can be added to the mixture as it can't be too hot other wise it will start cooking the egs.

2. For me I guess I probably could have cooked them slightly longer because they are crispy on the outside but they were a bit too gooey on the inside.

3. Rather than a knife test I found out online that toothpicks are a really good way to check. If you poke one in the brownie and its covered in brownie its not cooked, if there none on the stick its over done and if there is just a few bits of brownie then its just right.

Next time I give this a go I shall do the test and send some photos.

4. Another thing I learnt was that you need to leave them to cool for a good few hours at room temperature as this is really important for the process of baking them.

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